Day 1 :: Day 2 :: Day 3 :: Day 4 :: Day 5 :: Day 6 :: Day 7 :: Day 8
ris Marchini, Okland's Director of Human Resources, gets an early morning report from volunteers as she deftly manages the efforts of neighbors and the great people from Bountiful and beyond who are assisting Okland in getting the house completed.
he crew from Southam & Associates that worked on the exterior of the house putting up siding, as well as those who completed the shingles and windows were done by the early morning hours of Day Five. The remainder of the work on the exterior was the installation the large
quantity of exterior stone by Harv & Higam Masonry as well as touch-up work on the cladding of the Harrison's new home.
nside the home, the drywall was installed at an incredible speed by RPM Drywall with many of the drywallers taping, mudding and sanding on stilts to reach the home's high places and spaces.
ecause of the speed in which the interior was being completed, painting crews from Daniels Painting started work
early on the main level. With the multiple flooring, cabinets, lighting and wiring being installed, as well as the painting and the remainder of
the drywall being finished upstairs, the inside of the home continued to be a whirlwind of activity throughout the day.
ood workers from Boswell-Olsen set up a "base camp" in a neighbor's yard to complete the measuring and cutting of the beautiful wood highlights that will enhance the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition project.
he frantic activity in the backyard was no different than the rest of the house as Okland crews worked hard to complete another
special project for the Harrisons.
he crowd support has been tremendous, and each member of Okland's entire crew of supervisors, workers, subcontractors and
volunteers wishes to thank everyone who has come to provide an energizing cheer, warm wishes and an infectious smile. On to Day Six!